Friday, March 23, 2012

Finally into the Blessed Darkness

Sleep, Wonderful Sleep!

So after a few false starts I was finally able to catch some z's and crashed hard after ingesting a ridiculous amount of pizza and the sheer grease of the deep dish pizza gave me the effect of an induced coma.  This allowed my phone to charge completely.

Battles with the Transfix phone:
Email setup WIN
Google Wallet Setup WIN
Finding the back button on the phone WIN
Changing Font size DRAW more on that later.
Netflix installed DRAW
Stitcher installed DRAW
Setup Voicemail: STILL FORMING UP.
Moving and Creating Shortcuts for APPS: WIN

Netflix is giving me a confusing problem.  I am installed and the account is connected but when I go to start a video it starts buffering and then just stops and doesn't give me an error and the screen doesn't flip longwise and I'm not sure what to do about it.  I'm curious if the app is ready for the phone since it's brand new no matter that the Android Marketplace says it's compatible.

Font size has been my main concern and given me the most trouble because if I manage to fix that the rest of the problems will be minor for my low vision issues.  I have downloaded Big Font which works after a fashion but manages to be completely unsatisfactory for my uses in general.  It claims that it globally increases the fonts which is true but it doesn't really increase it enough to really be all that useful.  It works really well on the text in the settings menu which is nice but it doesn't really do much for the text underneath icons and the such.  I have done quite a bit of researchon apps that are supose to help with this sort of thing and it appears that I will have to root my phone to do what I need to see it.  I'm really wary of doing something like this and I am afraid that I could be one fatfinger away from screwing up my phone. 

I downloaded a weird little app that I think will be quite cool once I have thoroughly explore it.  It's called Spare Parts and it has a number of little gismos that equate to adding a ton of options to the phone.  It even has another app called "Font Size" built in that usually requires that you have your phone rooted.  I thought that I had found a clever way to circumvent the whole rooting process and immediately dove into Font Size feeling quite full of myself.  I cranked up the global font to XXL and the option seemed to take but when I got to the menu nothing happened.  I thought Big Font might be giving a conflict so I turned it off.  I tried again but Font Size still didn't work.  I tried running it and then restarting the phone like I saw someone do in a youtube video but that didn't work either, so I am guessing that rooting is still necesary.

Stitcher is being a little irritating because I signed up but it is whining that my email isn't on fiile so I will have to investigate that nonsense sometime today.

I've downloaded MLB.TV and I am holding off on that for a bit since the baseball season doesn't actually start for the Texas Rangers until the 6th and I primarily just want to use the app for when I am away from home. 

I got a text this morning from my "answer monkey" saying that my voicemail was broken which is probably true since I haven't set it up yet so I suppose that should receive some consideration moving forward. 

I'm getting a little better with the slide out keyboard and doing my best to familiarize myself with it's function.  I discovered that holding shift down was problematic and all you had to do was hitit once and it would shift the next thing you hit and then revert which is a good thing to know I guess.

The miracle of figuring out which symbol stood for the back button has really been helpful and I feel less of an idiot.

My poor powered magnifier has finally gotten a full charge and I am sure I will probably run it dry by the end of the day.  Hopefully I can get some of these issues resolved.

Find a way to see my phone or organize it in such a way to render the issue mute.
Find a way to get my text messages in larger print by default.  I believe this can be achieved by getting some SMS enlarger.
Find this magnifying glass I heard about even though I heard it was basically useless.
Figure out how to click a link from my email.
See if I can't change the wallpaper to something a little more blind friendly instead of a sea scape that is while beautiful, rather impractical.
Get my contacts imputed into my phone.
Learn to use the Voice imput options where possible to avoid screwing with the keyboard whenever possible.
Familiarize myself with all the gizmos I already have.

Well there it is.  My battle report of a blind man with his first smartphone.  Stay tuned for updates of how far off the rails I am getting from working on my stories.

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