Friday, November 11, 2011

Final Read Through and Beyong

        I've finally finished my final read through and have sent it over to Ed my editor for his final approval for the first book of "Prey For Vengeance."  Steve has started work on the front cover and things are looking really good.  It's been a year since I started this project and I am eager to get this first book off the ground and start posting sample chapters for the reading public.  It's really gratifying to finally get a life goal ticked off the list and I have found that I have a ravenous need to write even more.  I've been going over everything that I have written thus far on the second book in the series and I am close to half way done.  I have been sending things along to poor Ed so I don't overwhelm him with one big book when I finish the draft.  Unfortunately Ed is mired in school so i just ended up dumping chapter after chapter in his lap without him having the time to go over them.  Once I finish the second book and am left sitting stwittling my thumbs I'll probably take a stab at my side project again ("Digital Divine Intervention") and see how I can tighten up the story.  I got a little ambitious with the scope of the book much in the same way I did with PFV.  In PFV however I got caught up in the multiple prospective style which cause havoc with continuity and being forced to give the same information in a condensed form with a different prospective and make it still seem fresh.
       My new book I went a little crazy with grandiose events and had to try and seat them in a believable reality.  I also tackled some religious questions and avoided others a bit too pointedly.  Hopefully I can keep a little of the philosophy and not lose the humor.  It's a tightrope I am walking with this book and one wrong move would be a great slip of responsibility to my reader.  I've already written around 60,000 words in this story and it will take a two book approach.  It's pretty simple cause and effect.  Watching the utopia form and then watch come crashing down around the main characters ears in a blaze of glory.  I'm hoping the blending of complex themes with basic primal response will lend some weight to the "savage civilian approach to my writing style. 
         I'm finding in my writing that I want to explore the primal nature and show how it doesn't work in a civilized world.  I surround my characters in complicated events and try to show that underneath it all it's our basic needs that drive us and nothing quite as honorable as we like to believe.  We like to couch our behavior into some exagerated ideal but mostly it always seems to biol down to some sort of selfishness and some how I feel it defines humanity and the addition to consciousness makes it somehow a little more profain.
        Well that's about enough of the ramblings of a sleep deprived author.  Hopefully next time I will be able to announce a release date and show Steve's artwork.  I'm almost looking more forward to his growth in creativity more than my own.

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